Thursday, May 3, 2007



Can't stop thinking.

Think of you.



That Life.

That day.

That dream was mine.

A utopian dream.

Your aura; struck me like lightning to a tree.

Pointy, like a star, you shone.

So bright, yet not shining as a star would,

But as apparent as white chalk on a blackboard.

You would not show off like a star.

Yet you did burn so hot,

so fiercely,

so explosively -

you were a star in my eyes.

But like all stars, you died.

That gas was gone.

No pull between us.

The atmosphere was dryand I began to choke.

I was taken from my star - like a child being taken from its poor,drunken mother -

I did not know what was happening.



Without true reality,

I there sat.


The end of my world had only just begun, with yours beginning.

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